Monday, May 6, 2013

To: Life

What's up life?
I think it's about time I re-evaluate where I stand with you today. 

I'm where I never thought I could be. You've made it really difficult getting here but now I am. The kid with the strict parents out in the wild. Well, if you could consider Singapore as wild? It's wild enough.

Let's see, the cards you've dealt me. 

I'm still figuring out where to go from here, Life. But don't we all ponder upon our unknown destination? There will always be crossroads but this one's particularly big. I'll have to keep fighting for the current path I'm on. 

Fight hard.

I see you've given me another one to love and as usual, it's complicated. But I've learned a lot from this. 

Love has no rules. And we can only learn so much about it from other people. I found that actually taking advice could hurt me more. Only we know the state of our heart. In love, we make up the rules.

By denying what I truly feel, I kill myself inside because the truth will always be buried beneath the lies. So I've decided to be what I truly am. Water.

I'll flow into what I feel and that's just how I do things. I was meant to feel. And I want to love like tomorrow love will not exist. We're put in the world and suddenly, we're out. I want to be remembered for love. 

And, God, do I love her. I love her like I love the stars on a day where the rain just melts away into clarity. Like a sunset on a difficult day.'s impossible.

Just because she's who she is. Well, that's me.

Oh, and Life, I've realized what I want to do for the world.

I wish that everyone may witness beauty. We're designers. We're supposed to make things pretty. But beauty is so much more. Beauty brings a whole different layer of depth into our lives. It just makes everything more precious. Or just for the sake of bringing joy no matter how fleeting it may be.

So, here you are at my side so far. The other guy will have to wait for a while longer. I'll meet him soon enough but not yet. There are still things to do. So, life, let's do this romantically. Take me on an adventure.


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